Monday, September 17, 2012

Iyanden Eldar Fire Prism COMPLETE

After almost a year of Flames of War madness, I've decided to pop back into 28mm stuff and have some fun with 40K. I've been thinking about different projects I could do for the upcoming Iron Painter, and one of them was doing a nice addition to my Wraithguard-heavy Iyanden Eldar army. So, I took a whack at doing a Fire Prism and this is how it turned out.

Given the modest amount of effort behind it, I'm really pleased. I used the same palette and methods as I did previously, with the only difference being the black/blue/light blue gradient. Thanks to the mighty airbrush it was actually pretty easy all things considered. However, it was a fair amount of hassle given the number of pieces I had to keep it in until the very end.

So, up next is a Tau test. I'm going for a very clean, non weathered look for these guys, using a primary palette of green, black, and white. I'll get some pics up this week and you can tell me what you think.

As always, comments are most welcome- thanks for checking it out.


  1. Wow...really nice paintjob there bro!! Love the gradual blue flames effect. Really pops the model up. Not planning on having some flames on the gunner's pod? I think it would nice there :)

    Well done.

  2. Yeah you're probably right that I should've done the flames on the turret but this was more or less a test. :-)

  3. That looks really good! The color combination really works

  4. Outstanding work! Cant wait to see what you do with the Tau.

  5. Lookin great, the blending of the flame and the wash between the line (not to mention the gems) is just nice.

  6. That looks fantastic! In fact, it's something Bad Moonz Orks would love to get their hands on to further modify seeing that the colour scheme is already similar. =)

  7. It reminds me to the Eldarbots, but much nicer! Cun!!

  8. love the old epic-40k-inspired scheme. great stuff
