Monday, December 12, 2011

Apoxie Sculpt Available Locally

This is the first time I've seen this around here, so I thought I'd give folks a heads up. I found this very nice selection at Craft Haven, a shop at 1 Utama. It's good stuff for a variety of hobby uses, so check it out sometime...


  1. Jeff, do you remember how much is the price for these?

  2. hey, this is awesome..definitely gotta check this out..thanks jeff!

  3. Is it something like Green Stuff?
    I know what Epoxy Putty is but what is a Epoxy Sculpt?

  4. @doc- Apoxie (not Epoxy) Putty is sorta like green stuff, but not as rubbery. It's not really good for sculpting figures or superfine detail, but it's great for terrain and bases.

    @me- I checked it out today, and the small kits of the stuff are RM 50 or so

  5. I know this store! My daughter goes there all the time .. fancy that - you've been talking about this since Legio was first founded :)

  6. @deathkorps : Noted and many thanks for the update =)

  7. " it's not really good for sculpting figures or superfine detail" ok that not really true.Apoxie Sculpt is 1 of the top 4 most use epoxy type putty for figure sculpting. getting detail on it is not really the issue is. its how much you love/hate how it react went you mix and sculpt it, this is one of the if you have not try it you have no idea how it work for you type of putty

  8. Cheers Revliss- thanks for the feedback

  9. i just went to the shop
    they say they dont have any apoxie sculpt anymore
    kinnda sad

    1. Wow that's a shame. I was in there a month or so ago and they had several colors and sizes available. Sorry to hear that- thanks for letting us know

  10. Its due to malaysia's high humidity that they do not carry the larger tubs.oil builds up pretty quickly so they're not stocking them anymore
