Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Krieg Platoon Command Autocannon Team Done

Didn't get the squad done today, but at least I got the autocannon team finished. All that remains is the vox caster and standard bearer. Maybe with some luck I'll get them done before the weekend...? Gotta work faster.


  1. dude, that looks awesome. the realism in your work is getting pretty amazing. this is going to be one sweet army

  2. Agreed. From resin to looking so life like takes some really amazing skills.

    Nice how the model is barrel fed.

  3. Gracias guys- now to just do it FASTER!!!!

  4. Very nice, dont play imperial guard but if I did these would be the guys!!

    Came across your site from warflakes punt, will add you to my blog exchange and vice verse?

  5. Many thanks Vitor- I've added you to my blogroll, and made myself a follower as well. Thanks for visiting- I'd love the adds as well :)

  6. So you do play the game, or are you predominantly a painter? Is there a purely gaming army you have hiding in the corner while you paint up these incredible deathkorps?

  7. Hey thanks Drathmere! I do play occasionally, but mostly paint. I have an Iyanden army, a Nurgle army (The Unclean), and a Salamanders army. I play them sometimes :)

  8. Awww I have been busy working lately and envy you for 2 things: 1. The skill for such paint job; 2. the time for it. You continue to serve as an inspiration for us slackers lot.
